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Friday, December 10, 2004

The Hunt Begins

Graduate life as I know it has changed. Its turning into a mad dash to the finish. Conference paper abstracts to finish, teaching assignments, twice a month progress meetings on the dissertation, and of course job hunting. I actually have not spent time in front of the TV the past 3 days.

Preparing for the job market, I printed out the resume that's although updated after every semester (to change teaching experience dates), has been sitting in my documents folder titled "Job Applications." I took it to the career center and asked somebody to critique it. Apparently, I have written the best resume ever written :) all they can come up with was: "put page numbers," change "Looked into" to "Investigated." That's it? The job market matching system for my professional association's website matched me with 19 prospective job interviews if I say I'm interested. Most of these were academic and research type positions but curiously, one of it was for a Graphic Artist. Really? I don't know about Artist, but we can draw graphs :)


  • At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Go Man! Join us..I mean not our company.. but the employed... : ) rye


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