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Monday, November 15, 2004

Hip To Be Square

I finally decided to stop living dangerously and taking extreme risks. I've had a lot of close calls. I have been a daredevil too long and the potential cost of this behavior is getting too high. Nothing lasts forever. I resolved to commit myself to this new more prudent lifestyle. My freewheeling days are over. Every man knows what I'm talking about...

I decided to buy a backup system for my computer! As I travel through the information highway I will not ignore the signs anymore. Back it up, Baby! =)


  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger Roy Tan said…

    Hard drives, being partly mechanical will fail, the only question is when. A near-total-data-loss experience has me now scrambling for a reliable regular backup system. I'd be pretty interested in what kind of backup system you end up with.

  • At 2:13 PM, Blogger F said…

    -be wary of post-contractual opportunism =)bugs are known for that. are verbal conracts enforceable in your state?

    -i have a friend who's got multiple backup options, one internet based, one external hard drive, and recordable cds and dvds. talk about being risk-aversed.

    -when the backup device arrives...i'm thinking, who would backup the backup? madness...


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