Philippine Crime Rates
Below is the crime trend in the Philippines for the period 1980-2003 as reported by the National Statisctical Coordinating Board. I think they made a typo on the y-axis label and it should read crime per 100,000 population. The surprising thing about this chart for me is that from 1980-84 the Martial Law years, crime rate actually went up. Despite a temporary uptick in late 1980s the general trend has been going down and seems to have stabilized at 100 from 1995 onwards. The early 90s were good growth years for the Philippines and might have something to do with the sharp downward trend. I would like to examine this data in detail and in its regional breakdown.
Crime Rate
1980 to 2003
(per 100,000 population)
LATEST: 103.2 (2003)
HIGH: 313.6 (1984)
LOW: 97.8 (1998)
Source: Philippine National Police (PNP)